Product Overview
Software Requirements and Settings
System Requirements for Audit Link
Internet Browser Security Settings
User Registration / My Profile
HOW TO: Register for first-time use
HOW TO: Update your previously entered contact information
HOW TO: I am not the right person – how to forward the request
HOW TO: I received a registration request by a forwarded email
Log In/Out and Forgotten Passwords
Password Requirements
HOW TO: Log in
HOW TO: Log out
HOW TO: My login/account has expired
HOW TO: Request an email reminder for your password
Active Tab
HOW TO: Approve or Deny claims from the Active tab
HOW TO: Add Correspondence/Note
HOW TO: Export claims data to Excel.
Processed Tab
HOW TO: Sort columns
HOW TO: Add Correspondence/Note
HOW TO: Export claims data to Excel.
Claim Detail Form
HOW TO: Change which claim you are viewing the detail of
HOW TO: Approve or Deny claims from the Claim Detail form
HOW TO: Add an Attachment
HOW TO: Add Correspondence/Note
HOW TO: View Correspondence
HOW TO: Sort Correspondence


Audit Link is an easy to use website that allows you as a vendor or supplier to review and approve pending client claims.  It also allows you to view supporting claim documentation, add your own, correspond with our auditors regarding claims and track your approvals over time.

The Audit Link application is divided into three tabs and one form:

  1. Active Tab

  2. Processed Tab

  3. My Profile Tab

  4. Claim Detail form

System Requirements for Audit Link

  • Web Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge are supported.

  • Internet: You must have access to our website though your company’s firewall.

  • Our website is:

  • Email: You must have a valid email address.

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader: It is recommended that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer.

NOTE: To download Adobe Acrobat Reader, go to:

Internet Browser Security Settings

  • ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Run ActiveX controls and plus-ins:  Enable

  • Downloads: File download:  Enable

  • Miscellaneous: Submit non-encrypted form data:  Enable

  • Scripting: Active Scripting:  Enable


If you have not previously registered on Audit Link, the first time you click a claim approval link you will be directed to the Registration Screen.  This information allows us to register you as a verified claim approver on behalf of your company(s). To ensure the security of claim information, you may occasionally receive an email to validate your email address.

HOW TO: Register for first-time use

  1. Fill in requested data. The required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

  • All your information available will be pre-populated in the fields.

  • You cannot change your company or username/email after registration, but you may register an email address other than the one provided in the registration request.

  1. Enter the passcode provided on the screen. If you can not see the passcode, click on the “I can’t see the Passcode” link to display a different one.

  2. Create and confirm a password.

  3. Click the Save button.

  4. Check your email for a validation link.

  5. Click on the validation link in your email to complete the registration.

HOW TO: Update your previously entered contact information

  1. Click the My Profile tab.

  2. Update your information as needed.

  3. Click the Save button.

HOW TO: I am not the right person - forward the request

  • If you have received a registration email, but are not the correct contact at your company to approve audit claims, please forward the email to the appropriate person.

HOW TO: I received a registration request by a forwarded email

  • If you are registering for the first time from a link in a forwarded email and the system can verify your information, you will be able to access the claims in the approval request. If your information can not be automatically verified, a notice is sent to the auditors to review your request.

Password Requirements:

  1. Password must be at least 8 characters.

  2. Password must contain one upper case letter.

  1. Password must contain one lower case letter.

  2. Password must contain one digit or special character (limited to !@#$%^&*()+=?).

  3. Password must not contain any spaces.

HOW TO: Log In

  1. Using your internet browser, go to

  2. Enter your email address and Password into the login screen.

NOTE:You must use the email address where the registration email was sent.

  1. Click the Login button.

  2. If you have approval requests from multiple companies, select the one you wish to log in to from the drop down menu. To access another one, you must log out and log back in.

  • If you have requests from a single company, you will go straight to the Active Claims page.

HOW TO: Log Out

  1. Click Logout located on your menu bar, or close your Internet Explorer.

  2. You will automatically be logged out if your session is inactive for 20 minutes.

HOW TO: My login/account has expired

  • If your account has expired, you will not be logged in. A message with instructions on reactivating the account will be sent to your email.

  • Click the link in the email to reactivate your account.

Forgot Password

If you forget your Audit Link Password, you can reset it from the main login screen.

HOW TO: Request an email to reset your password

  1. Click on the Forgot password? link located on the main Audit Link login screen.

  2. This will bring you to the Request Password screen.  Here, enter in the randomly generated passcode and your username/email.

  3. Click the Get Password button.

  4. A message with instructions on resetting your Password will be sent to your email.

  5. Click the link in the email to reset your password.


The Active tab allows you to Approve one or more claims, as well as view detailed available supporting documentation on claims. The icon in the Image column indicates the presence or absence of these documents.

HOW TO: Approve or Deny claims from the Active tab

  1. View supporting claim documentation by clicking the Image icon.

  2. Check the grid checkboxes to select one or multiple claims.

  • You may also click the Select All link instead of using the checkboxes.

  1. Click the Approve button to Approve all currently selected claims.

  1. Click the Deny button to Deny all currently selected claims.

  • The system will prompt you for reason for your recommendation. Please enter reason and click on "OK" button.


  • Claims may also be Approved or Denied individually from the Claim Detail Form.

  • You may change the number of claims displayed by activating the Claims Per Page drop down menu at the top of the page and selecting the desired number. The number of records displayed per page is changed for current session only.

Actions available on this tab include:

  • Sorting by selected data columns.

  • Viewing of the Claim Detail form by clicking the claim number link.

  • Changing the number of claims displayed via the Claims Per Page option.

  • Viewing denied claims that are not past their due date by clicking on "Include Denied" check box.

  • Add Correspondence/Note to claim(s).

  • Export claims list to Microsoft Excel file (xls).

HOW TO: Sort columns

  1. Click on the column name to sort ascending.

  2. Click on the column name again to sort descending.

HOW TO: Add Correspondence/Note

  1. Check the grid checkboxes to select one or multiple claims.

  • You may also click the Select All link instead of using the checkboxes.

  1. Click on the "Add Note" button, this displays a "New Correspondence" form.

  2. Enter your note in the Notes field.

  3. To add an attachment to your note, click the Browse button to navigate within your local file system to select a single document for upload.

  4. Click the OK button to complete the note and upload the document or click the Cancel button to clear the Correspondence form and discard the note without saving.

HOW TO: Export claims data to Excel.

  1. Click on the "Export" button, this prompts you to open or save the claims.xls document.


The Processed tab provides a summary of recent approvals with approval status of Approved, Denied or Expired.

  • You may change the number of claims displayed by activating the Claims Per Page drop down menu at the bottom of the page and selecting the desired number. The number of records displayed per page is changed for this session only.

Actions available on this tab include:

  • Sorting by selected data columns.

  • Viewing of the Claim Detail form by clicking the claim number link

  • Changing the number of claims displayed via the Claims Per Page option.

  • View claims processed by you by clicking on "Me" in the "Processed by" options.

  • View claims processed by your company by clicking on "My Company" in the "Processed by" options.

  • Add Correspondence/Note to claim(s).

  • Export claims list to Microsoft Excel file (xls).

HOW TO: Sort columns

  1. Click on the column name to sort ascending.

  2. Click on the column name again to sort descending.

HOW TO: Add Correspondence/Note

  1. Check the grid checkboxes to select one or multiple claims.

  • You may also click the Select All link instead of using the checkboxes.

  1. Click on the "Add Note" button, this displays a "New Correspondence" form.

  2. Enter your note in the Notes field.

  3. To add an attachment to your note, click the Browse button to navigate within your local file system to select a single document for upload.

  4. Click the OK button to complete the note and upload the document or click the Cancel button to clear the Correspondence form and discard the note without saving.

HOW TO: Export claims data to Excel.

  1. Click on the "Export" button, this prompts you to open or save the claims.xls document.


Claim Detail displays additional information associated with a specific claim, including the claim description and the claim image. To access Claim Detail, click on the Claim Number link in the Active or Processed tabs.

The Claim Detail form includes the following details

  • Claim Information: The Claim Detail section lists high-level information about this claim.

  • Approval Status: You may Approve this claim by clicking the Approve button, or approve multiple claims on the Active tab.

  • New Correspondence: You may wish to add Notes or Attachments to explain the decision to Approve or Deny a claim. You can add multiple correspondence records. Each correspondence can have only a single attachment.

  • View Correspondence: You can view correspondence by you, your company or Audit team.

HOW TO: View Claim detail of another claim

  1. Return to the O: Change which claim you are vi or Processed tab.

  2. Click on the claim number of the claim.

HOW TO: Approve or Deny a claim from the Claim Detail form

  1. Click the Approve button to approve current claim.

  2. Click the Deny button to deny current claim.

  • The system will prompt you for reason for your recommendation. Please enter reason and click on "OK" button.

NOTE: Once a claim has been denied, the system will still allow you to approve it.

HOW TO: Add an Attachment

  1. Click the Browse button to navigate within your local file system to select a single document for upload.

  1. Enter an accompanying note in the Notes field.

  2. Click the OK button to complete the Note and upload the document or click the Cancel button to clear the Correspondence form and discard the Note without saving.

HOW TO: Add a Note

  1. Enter your note in the Notes field.

  2. Click the OK button to complete the Note and upload the document or click the Cancel button to clear the Correspondence form and discard the Note without saving.

HOW TO: View Attachments

  1. Under the "View Correspondence" section, click the Paperclip icon in the Attachment column to view attachment if there is one associated with the note.

HOW TO: Sort Correspondence

  1. Click on the column name again to sort descending.

For technical support, please click on the Contact Us link.